Add Logo

Add Logo

At the end of completing the business profile, the system will ask us to upload a logo. To do this, click the continue button at the top right. .

  1. On the screen that appears, press the button 

  2. Search for the logo in our files and press the "Upload" button.

  3. Once the file is uploaded, click the "Submit" button.

Why is it important to have a logo?

Having a logo is important for the identity of your business. It is the first symbol or graphic element that potential customers or customers associate with your business. It gives them a first impression and, without a doubt, it must be a good one. The goal of the logo is to connect people with your brand.

A good logo must meet the following characteristics:
  1. Recognition - A logo must be unique to your business, your customer must be able to remember that it is you just by seeing the logo.
  2. Flexibility - The logo must be able to adapt and remain legible in all the places it is used (it can have adaptations for different uses).
  3. Simplicity - A good logo should be simple, without effects, shadows or too many colors.
If you do not have a logo you can submit the blank form and continue with the following steps.
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